Beautiful shots of the ceremony are a must. But wedding photos can be much more than that. The day is about you, your friends and family, all gathering and celebrating love in a way that is meaningful to you. Whether you’re practicing a tradition or making your own, there’s really no right way to wedding.

No matter if you're getting pampered, taking some time alone to write your vows, or just reflecting on it all -- enjoy the morning and remember, it's never too early for 🍾 .

Before you're surrounded by loved ones, let's snap a few shots!

The closer they are, the less texting you have to do.

Are your vows ready?

The hard part is over. Time to celebrate!

They love you... refreshments, hors d'oeuvres and lookin' good on the dance floor. Then again, who doesn't?

Get out there and show 'em what you got!